Wednesday 30 July 2014


If the Lord had not given me an insurance cover, where will I be -- I will say.

In consideration of the provisions in this Policy, conditions, stipulations, payment of initial premium and payment thereafter of all premiums due during the continuance of the policy, You, I AM THAT I AM, hereafter, referred to as God did grant me cover.

The term of the policy was from 30 July, 2013 to 30 July, 2014 at 12:01 am Local Time.

The Policy covered my life here on earth, against all the storms of life, all physical attacks from men and all spiritual attacks from the Devil and his cohorts. No exclusions were provided therein.

God, it time for renewal and here am I again negotiating for another term, though I have not paid my premium in full and not adhered to most of the Terms, Conditions and Warranties of this contract.


As I am about to sign the renewal of my life cover, I have realised how merciful and awesome You are.

You never took into consideration my Mistakes, Misrepresentations (Innocent and Fraudulent) and Non Disclosures (hatred, lies, etc).

God, You have decided to provide me with better renewal terms and better methods of paying my premiums. Completely removed the "No Premium, No Cover" clause and replaced with 365 days premium warranty.

Wow, God you have also decided to waive all my outstanding. How can I thank the Lord?

Praise the Lord, Praise God, Praise Him for his acts of kindness, Praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Let everything in me praise the Lord.

All day, all month and even all year will not be enough to write out the full details of this wonderful policy that I am reading. I express my gratitude.

Thanks for showing me my destiny.

"In witness, God had caused this policy to be issued in Heaven this 30 July, 2014 at 12:01 am, Local Time."

On Behalf of God
Signed: Holy Spirit